As I get settled in my new job and home, I am also settling into a new commuting routine. Instead of driving or taking the metro, I take the bus. At first I was hesitant of this new mode of transportation, but I have since grown to love it. First of all, the commute could not be easier. I walk four blocks to my bus stop, which makes a straight shot down the Parkway to the 14th St bridge and into DC to drop me off at 14th and F. So long as I catch the right bus, usually around 8am, I am able to get a seat no problem. I have recently discovered the perfect commuting mix of entertainment. I can’t read on the bus, I get terrible motion sickness in my old age, but I can listen to books on tape on my Ipod. While doing that, I knit. Its pretty fantastic and allows me to get in about an hour of knitting in my commuting time alone. Its also very relaxing and I am able to sort of block out the commute until we hit certain landmarks I know as close to my stop and I have to start putting things away. My favorite things about the bus, besides its ease and entertainment, are the friendliness of everyone and the orderliness (is that a word?). A bus is a lot smaller than a metro car, only fits about 60 people or so, so if you are routinely taking the same time buses, you tend to see the same people. People ask about you when you aren’t on the normal bus and people ask if I finished that sock I was knitting last week. It’s fun to see what people are reading as well - from the latest nonfiction DC-ish work to The Firm, which I didn’t think there was anyone who still had not read The Firm. The orderliness has to do with lining up and keeping the integrity of the line and ensuring that we line up in order of arriving at the bus stop. At my evening bus stop there are about 4 buses that pick up there - and a complicated line system has developed, but it seems to work with little drama. I am sure there will be more tales from the 11Y bus as I continue to commute, an exciting prospect, I know.
Hello world!
11 months ago
I love the 11y! I used to ride it often but now not so much! It's true that this is the only bus I've ever ridden where people actually know each other (not by name but definitely by face).
Hello! Are you both still riding the 11Y? Have your heard about the proposal to eliminate the Faifax County part of the route, i.e., south of Old Town? That may be difficult to do to a bus line where people actually know each other. If you haven't joined the fight yet, please see (which directs to
Joe G.
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