One of the ways I've passed time during this deployment is throwing myself head first into catching up on
tv I have missed along the way. This is no better illustrated than by my record breaking 5 seasons of One Tree Hill in five months. That may not sound that impressive but I did the last two seasons in about 3 weeks. Its all about dedication, people.
Anyway, once I finished
OTH, left tortured by the summer break to find out who Lucas chooses to take to
Las Vegas, I decided to try out a series my husband enjoyed and would soon be returning, Mad Men. I am glad I did, because I managed to finish all but two episodes before the Emmy nominations came out, so I could say that I enjoyed and watched the first season before it was cool to do so. The second season starts next Sunday, July 27 on
AMC. You should check it out. I will try not to give plot line away in case you decide to go on a marathon
Netflix DVD watching marathon to catch up, but some highlights. 1) Zoe from the West Wing is on it. 2) Don Draper is hot. He's a cad but he's hot and you understand how he has gotten away with it all these years. 3) There are almost no sympathetic or likable characters. I think the Drapers are the most sympathetic, but I find myself wanting to slap her too often. Don is, as above, a cad. 4) The smoking and drinking can turn your stomach if you watch too many episodes in a row. 5) The head writer, Matthew
Weiner, was also a big writer on the Sopranos (HBO turned Mad Men down. . . ) but also on the sit com Becker. For some reason this fact amuses me.
There is not much else on right now, and you don't want to be that person on Emmy Night being all "I've never seen half of these shows" or voting for Lost just because it heard it was supposed to be good, (No offense Lost, you did totally rock this season.), so try to catch it in reruns this week or just pick up with it in season two. Its great writing, but not so dense you will never catch up. Or email me nicely and maybe I will provide a plot summary for you.
1 comment:
Plot summaries may in fact be your key to the riches that has eluded you from cake decorating and knitting. Bring back the great plot summaries of "yester year" The West Wing, along with current ones; OTH, & Mad Men, etc. Market them along side of Netflicks rentals. Or market it them as a way to look cool at the office water fountain, so even if you missed the show because of the bowling league you can still "talk the talk"
You would surely clean up
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