Weekends can be a bit rough when your the wife of a deployed Soldier. Things have improved greatly for us Army wives and technology has made deployments easier. Example - ABC Family. There was no ABC Family during Vietnam. Imagine how hard deployments were to survive when there was no ABC Family to distract you?! ABCF really outdid themselves this weekend with a Cutting Edge weekend.
You may recall The Cutting Edge, the 1992 masterpiece about pair's ice skating. It starred Moira Kelly - who at this point in my life is hard to watch in this film without wondering if she was pregnant with Lucas before or after her Olympic medal. There's also D.B. Sweeney, who sadly seems to have started and ended his bl0ckbuster career there. And everyone favorite's paraplegic (well maybe second favorite after Jason Street), Terry Quinn, looking young and less evil than his more recent rebellious Locke.
In 2006, ABCF created The Cutting Edge II: Going for the Gold. The plot line here was that the child of Doug and Kate (Mosley) Dorsey, Jackie Dorsey, is a teenage ice skating champ who gets hurt and cannot skate alone anymore. (Jackie is assumedly named after her grandfather, Jack Mosley.) Therefore she is forced to take a partner for pairs ice skating - this time a champion in-line skater from LA. (Moira Kelly is too busy with Karen's Cafe to star in this one and DB Sweeney is dead. . unemployed. . . doing an off-Broadway play?) If you do the math, though, and allege that Kate was extremely fertile and became pregnant the evening they won the 1992 Olympics, then their child would be about 13 in 2006. Which she is totally not in the sequel. She's at least 18, and I'm pretty sure she drinks in the film, so supposed to be 21, I think. So that when the time warp enters into play. We have to either imagine that Jackie aged in soap opera time, or that CEII takes place in 2012.
But the fun doesn't stop there. I won't ruin the surprise of what happens at the end of CEII, but ABCF has brought us the magic once again with Sunday's premiere of Cutting Edge III: Chasing the Dream. In this one, a male figure skater needs a new partner so WOMEN'S HOCKEY PLAYER is brought in. But she is rough around the edges and never skated in skates with a toe pick before (I am not making this up people) so they need a coach. That's where Jackie Dorsey (see above) comes in. So I guess if we age Jackie from her assumed age of 21 in 2002 to 27 in 2008, it would work out for her to be a new coach, having retired from skating. Or it could be 2018. I also fell that they just did a find and replace to the original CE script and changed and the he's to she's and vice versa. All of this is not to say I am not anxiously awaiting its premiere tomorrow evening.
Hello world!
1 year ago
Do they find a way in each film to work in the "spin your partner around and around by the feet and then toss them across the rink" move that got DB and Moira the gold back in '92?
I love the original, and now that I know there are two sequels I will be putting them on the fast track to the top of my Netflix list.
BTW, my favorite seen (besides the kiss at the end) is when the are at the bar doing body shots and Moira is dancing crazy to some awesome 80's music.
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