Monday, March 10, 2008

Delicious Sources of Various Types of Sugar

After a delicious meal of leftovers, I had a dessert of beer and Peeps. I am not sure which was sadder - the dessert itself or how happy the dessert made me. Peeps are a good dessert - 32 calories per Peep and no fat and you physically can't eat more than two without getting ill, so its pretty easy to practice portion control. I am a bit of a Peeps purist. I will only eat the yellow chicks type of Peeps. The Peeps production has gotten a little out of control, with such flavors as, cocoa, orange, strawberry, vanilla, peppermint and cookie. They come in various seasons, including cats, gingerbread men, hearts, pumpkins and ghosts. I am apparently not alone in my feelings - yellow Peeps are the most popular, followed by pink, lavender, blue and white. It used to take 27 hours to make one Peep chick and it now only takes 6 minutes. The more I learn about these wonders, I can't understand how there isn't a NPR story about it. . . maybe producing one will be my big break on public radio.


Exnicios said...

I'll admit, Peeps kinda scare me. Sure they're pretty to look at, and I'll grant you that there is a certain nobility to them as they perch and stare and wait to be consumed (and/or exploded in the microwave). But I don't dig on eating them, if you catch my jive.

Mrs. Exnicios said...

At least I don't have to worry about hiding my Peeps from you

mdoyle said...

No hiding the peeps but why is he channeling Maynard G Krebs?? Must be the mountain air.

mdoyle said...

which came first the cadbury egg or the peep?