Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I can't wait to do when my husband gets home #14 & 15

#14 - Commute - This one may be a pipe dream, but a good number of the jobs my husband is applying to are in the same area as my job. That means we could commute in together, never have to sit next to a stranger on the bus and have obnoxious whispered conversations, then giggle while looking at people on the bus. (That's right annoying couple in front of my Tuesday night. Not only did you make the bus late, but you were annoying on the bus.) I promise we won't be annoying.

#15 - Have lunch. This goes along with the above one, if his job is in the same vicinity as mine we can meet for lunch or go for walks or just have a reason to escape the office for a little bit. I also think I will try to make my husband come into the District for lunch while he is on leave. No reason he can't meet me for a sandwich across the street. I worry left to his own devices my husband would develop a rather wide no pants radius, a la How I Met Your Mother.


Sara said...

Ha on the pants radius!!! Perhaps you guys can go find DC's best hamburger while you are at it?

Christine K. said...

I hear the best burger is at Corner Bistro

Mrs. Exnicios said...

It is so not the Corner Bistro.

Alison said...

Maybe Regis can help you.